inspired shopping
Dates: Tuesday 10th January to Tuesday 4th April 2017 3.45 am – 4.45pm
About the Course
Code Club is a nationwide network of volunteer led after school coding clubs for children aged 9 – 11, with the aim of getting kids into the clever world of coding.
Code Club makes use of tools such as Scratch to make it easier for younger learners to pick up the basic elements of coding such as logical problem solving, collaboration and creativity. The Club provides all the materials needed to create their projects while essentially allowing students to choose their approach, all while volunteers and library staff provide support and guidance.
Projects range from creating video games to creating your own version of MS Paint. There are no exams and no tests – the more you put in to Code Club, the more you will get out of it.
The club is popular so there is limited space. For more info visit Booking is essential.
To apply, please come in the library, call 02380 612 646 or [email protected] to reserve a place.